Sunday, January 31, 2016

Exciting UTAU Update!

Afternoon everyone and happy 2016! Now, 2015 hit me pretty hard and it wasn't easy catching up with things, between work, my grandpa passing and so on. But now things are getting more stable and I wanted to report with some exciting news that Yuumei is, finally, getting a new VoiceBank! A Multipitch, at that! I'm almost finished recording the sounds and I'm really excited to get this going. Hopefully it will be available for release by the end of February, at the latest so stay tuned! In the meantime, feel free to view the latest cover I made for Mei, Pianissimo.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

UTAU NEWCOMERS- Onigen and Onigumo!

Hey everyone! Meet Gen and Gumo, my two newest UTAUloids. I'm so glad everything happened pretty much the way I wanted it to, and I couldn't have done it without the help of so many people. I'm really hoping everyone likes them and uses them. I want to see some cool results! >u<

And finally, their voicebank DLs:

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Song Cover and Upcoming UTAUloid Update!

I'm proud to bring to you one of..About three new covers I plan on releasing some time this week/next week. I love how this one came out. It was actually kind of a last minute thing since I got the most adorable piece of art for Yuumei. <3 Hope you enjoy it!

As for the new UTAUloid update, I am almost done with my Oniloids and I'm really excited to display them. The last two things I need are the otos for my female bank and some choice ass art of the two of them, something better than their current references. It should all be coming together very shortly, so stay tuned!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

【UTAUカバー】福寿草 /Adonis【Ekiguchi Yuumei】

Thanks to stormylullaby for mixing it all together! I love how this one came out. It's been getting great feedback on Yuumei's Soft Append voicebank. I'm glad people think she sounds realistic and whatnot! Enjoy and feel free to download her Soft Append here:

Monday, July 7, 2014

Newest Videos & Upcoming UTAU Duo

Glad to say that after a couple months of not being around due to working and summer vacation, I have some new videos up for you guys. I've even managed to freshen up the blog's appearance a little bit.

That being said, I also have some news for everyone. Hopefully very soon I will be releasing an UTAU duo consisting of two UTAUloids that I've been wanting to spring into action for months on end. The project, however, is still not complete. I actually need someone kind enough to lend me their feminine voice for half of the duo, Gen. If anyone is interested, please visit my deviantART journal post for more details.

Until that's finished, enjoy a few new releases I've put together.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Long time since I've been on..

And I apologize for that! With college starting, I've been trying to find an in-between between having a life, time for UTAU and everything else..And I'm definitely going to stick to it! I forgot how much fun it was to be making these videos and the community is so, so nice once you put yourself out there. Anyway, back to Yuumei. She now has a Vimeo channel!

Click here to check it out!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Despair Successfully up!

Yes, after about a long, long month of inactivity due to horrid school work, I am finally able to pump out one video for Yuumei. It is called Despair and for those who'd like to check it out, here ( ) is the link. :3

I will be making this short and sweet because I'm very tired and have school tomorrow, but keep an eye out for Yuumei's ACT 2 at some point. If I can get some real good samples and someone to do my otos for me, then I'll have it very soon!

And what,s this, you say? Celebres perhaps making another Utau? TWO, PERHAPS? Yes, it is true, I am definitely looking in to it. Expect further confirmation around March. It will probably be my Spring Break project. :3